No Plan B
I often shake my head when I hear the Gospel presented as if God changed His mind (as if He could) as some point in history about how to save us. Some present it is if God gave the Old Testament law, then, seeing that we could not meet His righteous requirements, He decided to fulfill it Himself in Jesus Christ. Like the entire New Testament is the result of some Holy audible God called because He was surprised by how sinful and corrupted we are. But this is a grave misunderstanding of God and His grace. God didn't have a Plan B. Jesus Christ is Plan A, and the only plan God ever had. Giving us the law was meant to lead us to repentance and to an understanding of our desperate need for a Savior. Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension were planned from the foundation of the world. But Plan A is not complete. It won't be until Christ returns to fulfill all things. So what is supposed to happen until He does? Wel...