Enough Isn't Enough
I do enough. Why don't other people do some more than they do? Why can't you do as much as I do? I deserve a break. Why do I have to do everything? No, I am not just complaining today. I am listing some of the things that we all think sometimes. Even when it comes to serving God. And I am not talking just what we do in church, or just what we do as "ministry", though we know we've all thought these things a time or two in those cases. I am talking about the servant is not above his Master, whoever would be great must serve, good and faithful, big picture, this is how I live my life as a Christian kind of serving. I am talking everything from the "that guy just cut me off and gave me the one finger salute but I am not going to get angry because I am a Christian" kind of stuff to the "I am being mocked for my faith and horribly insulted and my reputation is being hurt but I am going to love this person because I am a Christian" ki...