Want To
I have been making a push since the start of the year for the members of our congregation to get into the Word this year more than in the past, and for all of us to step up our prayer game, as well. But I realized today that there is an inherent danger in pushing this too hard, and that it isn't enough to just encourage people to read their Bible and pray. People need to do it for the right reason. And constant prompting, regardless of how loving, without emphasizing the reason for it can lead people down a bad road of feelings of inadequacy and guilt. Now, please don't get me wrong. God wants us reading His Word and He wants us to pray, and it isn't possible to do either too much, if you ask me. But He isn't keeping score . We cannot have the idea that we need to get in our Bibles a minimum amount so we can cross the threshold from "God wants me in the Word more" to "God is pleased with how much I read today." And the same is t...