Nothing Will Change

A co-worker said something to me this week that really stuck with me. It seemed so simple and yet so amazingly profound. We are attempting to make some wholesale changes to the way we do things at my day job in an effort to improve not only efficiency and profit, but to improve the experience of working there for everyone. And there is a lot of discussion about how to do that. And it becomes very easy to get distracted from the actual doing when there is so much talk about how it should be done. So, eager to start moving towards improvement, my friend said: "Nothing will change if you don't actually change something." - Thomas Ney Brilliant! You see, when we want change, we tend to want it a lot more in theory than we do in actual practice. Whether it is at work, at home, in a relationship, or in the church. And the same holds true for our Spiritual lives. We all want to change for the better - to...