Strength for the Week - A Good Read
Here is this week's SFTW. I pray it is a blessing!
A Good Read
I touched last week on the fantastic stories of contained in the pages of the Bible. And as some of you may know, I am an avid reader. I used to lose myself in books by the dozens every year. The classics, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, mystery; you name it, I read it.
My favorite book was The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. It is the story of a young man in love who is falsely accused of a crime and wrongly imprisoned. Through a fantastic escape and an unlikely fortune left to him, He spends years planning his revenge. It was the ending of this book that made it so unbelievably wonderful. He sets his plan in motion and… well… I’m not going to spoil it for you…
One of my pet peeves was a bad book. This is mostly because I could not bring myself to put down an unfinished book. Once I started it, I finished it, no matter how horrible. I have read a lot of bad books… I also never read a book twice, no matter how much I loved it. There were far too many books to be read to be repeating myself!
I remember one day back in September of 2004: I was about two thirds of the way done with Cervantes’ Don Quixote, which I was thoroughly enjoying. But instead of reading that one night, I picked up the Bible in response to a challenge laid down by one of my friends. I read chapter one of the Gospel of John. The next night, I read chapter two. The next night, I read chapter three, and realized (much to my chagrin, at the time) that somewhere over the last three days I had become a Christian.
When I became a Christian, I changed in many ways. Here are two examples: I can bring myself to put down an unfinished book (even a good one), and I can re-read a book. I never did pick Don Quixote back up, and I continue to re-read the Bible over and over again. Why? Because it has better stories than any other book? That’s true, but that isn’t it. Because I find new truths every time I pick it up? Also true; also not it. Because I just plain should as a Christian? Again: true. Again: not it.
Brothers and sisters, I read the Bible over and over again because it is MY story. In the Bible I meet my oldest ancestors as they walk with God in the Garden. I meet my great-to-the-hundred-somethingth-power grandfather as he spends 50 years building a boat. I meet my spiritual ancestor as he leaves his home to go God only knows where (literally). I meet my Brother/Savior/Friend/God Jesus Christ and His Father on every page. But most importantly, I meet me.
I meet myself in the sins of my brothers and sisters. I meet myself in their God given victories. I meet myself in the crowds mocking Christ. I meet myself rejoicing with His disciples in His exaltation. I meet myself in Saul of Tarsus, religious zealot. I meet myself in the Apostle Paul, bondservant of Christ.
You see, I used to spend my time losing myself in books, but now I find myself in The Book. Brothers and sisters, I encourage you: this week, get into the Word like you never have before. Find in those fantastic, true stories about God’s people, in the great history of God pursuing His people, and in the glorious story of God reconciled us to Him the story about <insert your name here>.
Because the story of God’s people is still being written…
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