A tribute

It is rare that I am at a loss for words.  My mind is going a mile a second, and my heart is bogged down in a way it rarely is.  I spent tonight remembering a man that had probably more influence in my early life than anyone other than my own father.  Dr. Tom Finetti, who was the chorus director at my high school, had the choir room at Belleville High named for him.  It is more than well deserved, but it is not enough.  This man who dedicated his life to children… like I was… he deserves more. 
His family revealed to us tonight that he is in hospice care and not expected to live more than a few more days.  My heart breaks.  I wish he had been well enough to see the outpouring of genuine love for him tonight.  The communications department at Belleville High was gracious enough to record messages from any former students to send to Doc.  I got there early to record my message.  I told him how I loved him, and I cried…
I was near tears on the way home as I begged God to somehow save his soul between now and his death that is certain to come soon.  I asked that He save him miraculously.  Possibly unprecedented in how it happens.  Just save him, Lord.  I want to see him again.  You can do the impossible… just save him. 
                All of the alumni sang the Hallelujah Chorus tonight.  Doc did this every Christmas for 35 years.  We all proudly showed off what this man had taught us.  Praise the Lord.  Hallelujah.  Proud to have been taught by him…
Heart hurting
But praising God
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Thank You Lord for making him part of my life
Thank you for everyone who came tonight
Thank you for the opportunity to tell him how I feel
(Even if by video)
Thank you for one last chance to praise you through the song he taught me
For the Lord, God omnipotent reigns
For ever
Thank you for…him
Save him, Lord
I want to see him again
Save him
Give him peace, not as the world gives
But as only You can
I Jesus’ name
Love you, Doc.  More than you know…


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